Making Magic Happen…Again

It has been an exciting time since we launched the Star-C Programs at Summerdale/Springview in August of 2018.

We started our afterschool program in a small backroom off our main office and now we have our own center in the middle of the Springview Community.

We started with 15 students and now have a waiting list.

We went from seeing reading time as a boring activity, to being about our individual opportunities to read as well as group story time.

We started off with students that didn’t believe in themselves or their ability to be successful. We now have a small community that not only believes in their own abilities, but also prioritizes encouraging and celebrating their peers.

And now, we are adding a bi-weekly teen program to serve our middle and high schooler community members. And we couldn’t be more excited!

We kicked off our Star-C Teen Night on Wednesday, March 13th, with a small number of students that had a mighty good time. We spent the first part of our evening talking about the life of a teenager and sharing tips for conflict resolution and ended it with a bunch of fun and games that included an egg toss challenge, a cookie eating contest, a plastic cup building challenge and two exciting rounds of musical cheers.

We are so grateful to Pastor Sam, the Youth Minister from Impact Church, that came by to spend some time with us. He provided amazing tips for managing conflict with our peers and making sure that we are taking the time to make the right decisions so that we can get the long term results that we want! He was also a very fierce competitor when it came time for the games! It was evident that he enjoyed his time with us and we surely enjoyed our time with him.

It was truly an amazing time and we can not wait to do it again! The students felt the same way and each committed to bringing at least one friend with them when they returned.

At Star-C we know that humble beginnings set the foundation for an amazing future. We’ve watched it happen time and time again, and we are excited about the future of our Teen Program as a result!

See you in the future!


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